Jeremy Vaeni is off this week. Whitley Strieber fills in reading from the Communion Letters and commenting on three amazing and revealing stories of close encounter. They are from among the 115 letters that were collected by Anne Strieber from over a quarter of a million that Whitley and Anne received after they published Communion.

They were published as the Communion Letters with commentary by Whitley and Anne. The book has been out of print for 10 years, and has now been republished as an ebook for $3.99. It is available wherever ebooks are sold.

To order a copy from your preferred ebook retailer, go to Whitley’s book page,
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Join us this week for a one-of-a-kind roundtable discussion about experiences of high strangeness in childhood and beyond. Sometimes commonality lives in the differences. What does that mean? We will find out together.
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WARNING: This episode gets a little bit sexually graphic. Listener discretion is advised.

In the 4th and final installment of the Wakeup Points series, "Bob From NJ" turns the tables on Jeremy and starts interviewing the host about some of his spiritual experiences. People have them, of course, but the question asked here is: Do we need to wake up into a fuller definition of ourselves or should we retain our humanity as is? Then, Bob tells his remarkable and miraculous experience of surviving a major stroke.
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Did something change recently to cause abductions to end for experiencers en masse? Were we left to spread our wings and fly, so to speak? And are we still being tested occasionally? If so, for what? These questions are only the beginning.
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