When Christopher Columbus and his crew landed on our shores in 1492, he brought many things with him–among them, the dreaded sexual disease syphilis, which can damage the heart, brain, eyes and bones, and can also be fatal.

This is shown by recent Indian skeletal evidence. In LiveScience.com, Charles Q. Choi quotes evolutionary biologist Kristin Harper as saying, "All of the skeletons that showed definite signs of (syphillis) appeared to be dated to after Columbus returned to Europe."
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We tend to think of both Native Americans and African Americans as cultural and ethnic groups who have been treated badly by history. But one thing most people DON’T know is that Indians once kept SLAVES. Now the freedmen who are the descendents of slaves kept by wealthy members of the Cherokee nation are fighting to be accepted of members of the tribe.
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We recently wrote that Atzlan, the Mexican Atlantis, might be in Utah. Now an ancient Indian site has been revealed that was kept secret by a rancher in Utah for over 50 years.

Paul Foy writes that Waldo Wilcox kept outsiders off his land, so no one knew it contained an incredibly preserved ancient Indian settlement, with arrowheads and beads lying out in the open. Now that they know about it, archeologists are calling it one of the most amazing finds they’ve ever seen.
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Mick Henry, a retired builder from Yorkshire, England, has discovered he’s actually a chief of the Ojibway tribe in Canada, and owns thousands of acres of land there. He’s the son of an English mother and a Canadian father, but since his father returned to Canada shortly after his birth, he never knew about his Ojibway relatives. He says, “I never thought something like this could happen to anyone, certainly not someone like me.”

Going home doesn’t mean he has to go native. He says, “They are still looking for a proper ceremonial name for me. I thought they still lived in tents and went hunting for their food. In fact they all have lovely houses and enjoy a wonderful lifestyle.”

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