During the Presidential debates, we continue to hear warnings about the "Mexicanization" of the US–a warning that whites may soon be in the minority and Spanish will become our lingua franca. But all this is irrelevant: We are having a REVERSE migration here right now, as Mexican immigrants–both legal and illegal–are crossing back across the border to their home country because it’s where they can find JOBS, because when it comes to manufacturing, Mexico is rapidly becoming as important to the US economy as China.
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Should we welcome them instead of putting up fences? – There is a lot of controversy going on about immigration right now, but some economists think that countries that restrict it might be missing out on a great economic development.

Economist Gustavo Ventura says, “Regulation of labor movements is one of the most severe distortions facing the world today.” Ventura used data gathered from previous periods of largely unfettered immigration, such as the United States before World War I and, more recently, in Europe, as new countries joined the European Union. He then constructed a model to see how production and economic growth fared, as well as individual welfare.
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A quick way to boost the economy? Instead of importing goods from places like China, one researcher thinks we should import taxpayers (instead of making them sneak across the border to work illegally, thus paying no taxes).
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