Every day,  more studies are published showing that psychedelic substances and plant medicine like Ayahuasca can have powerful health benefits such as the relief of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

But there are other studies that suggest that there may be much more involved in the whole experience of exposure to these substances, especially to substances like Ayahuasca.

Briefly, is there somebody there? Is "Grandmother Ayahuasca" a real consciousness that we can engage with when the ego is silenced and the doors of perception are opened?
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On the night of the devastating earthquake that struck Italyon April 6, a lighted, triangular UFO wasvideotapedover Rome, and during the day on April 5, daylight video ofan unknown object was taken by UFO witness Antonio Urzi over Milan. Urzi is one of a small number of close encounterwitnesses around the world who are able to take video likethis frequently. The video includes shots of passers-bywatching the object. There is anecdotal evidence of UFOsappearing just prior to many catastrophes, especiallyearthquakes.
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