The recent earthquake in Haiti was caused by an underwater earthquake. Thankfully, it did not cause a tsunami (giant wave), but scientists would like to know how to detect these waves before they hit, so that lives can be saved by moving people to higher ground.

Tsunamis are created by a large displacement of water resulting from earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and even meteors hitting the ocean. It turns out that tsunamis send electric signals through the ocean that can be sensed by the vast network of communication cables on the seabed because salty seawater is a good conductor of electricity.
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FOUND by Tweeters in Boston! – According to the US Geological Society (USGS), the magnitude-7 earthquake of January 12 near Port-au-Prince, Haiti, has generated a sharp increase in concerns about the potential for future earthquakes in Haiti and the surrounding region. The aftershocks will continue for months if not years in the affected area. The frequency of events will diminish with time, but damaging earthquakes will remain possible in the coming months. There is also a small chance of future earthquakes larger than the original one. During the recent quake cell phones and tweets played a major role is rescuing survivors, and some of the people coming to Haiti’s aid in this way were as far away as Boston!
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Find out in the Dreamland archive. – Since the recent earthquake, there has been much commentary that Haitian religion is “devil worship.” Both Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh have gone on the record saying the the Haitians were punished by God for being devil worshipers. However, the Haitian religion of Vodou is actually an ancient spiritual practice that has nothing to dowith making “pacts with the devil.” Subscribers can listen to an interview Whitley Strieber did with Vodou priest Kenaz Filan in our subscriber section. Go to the Dreamland Archive and scroll to 03/15/2008. Our vast subscriber section offers a wealth of informationunique in the world. If YOU want access to it, subscribe today!
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