This happened to Whitley: Sometimes illness or shock can cause your hair to turn white overnight. Now there may be a way to reverse this process.

German researchers recreated a naturally-occurring molecule called K(D)PT, which is similar to the hormones that stimulate melanin, which controls skin and hair color. When they treated hair follicles with K(D)PT, they found that the amount of melanin in the follicle increased enough so that researcher Ralf Paus thinks the technique could be used as an “anti-graying agent” that will be better than Claire Care for Men or Grecian Formula.
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Professor of Afro-American studies Neal Lester has started a campaign against hair straightening for blacks. After marrying a white woman from Argentina and having a baby girl, Lester began to realize that chemical hair straightening was in his young daughter’s future?unless he did something about it.
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?Or at least where you’ve been. Researchers have now learnedthat they can track criminals and terrorists by analyzing asingle hair.

Anna Gosline writes in New Scientist that researchersmeasure the ratios of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in thehair. These isotopes, absorbed into the body from water, aredifferent in different areas. Researcher Stuart Black says,”Hair is particularly good because it grows about [half aninch] a month, so it actually grows a record of not onlywhere you have been but what you have been eating and drinking.”
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