A new report released last week by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has further highlighted the fact that emissions of greenhouse gases worldwide have risen to unprecedented levels, despite an increasing number of global measures to reduce climate change.

The report indicates that emissions increased more rapidly in the decade spanning between 2000 and 2010 than in each of the previous three decades, and states that it would require a dramatic shift towards renewable energies in order to reverse the worrying trend.
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Automobiles and power plants spew out tons of greenhouse gases daily that contribute to global warming, but a little known secret is that sheep and cattle do too. They produce huge amounts of methane, which is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect. We may have to find alternate power sources and give up our SUVs, but do we have to become vegetarians too? Not if scientists in Australia are successful in figuring out why sheep and cattle give off methane gas, but kangaroos, who eat the same kind of grass, do not.
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While Congress was debating whether or not to drill for oil in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge, NASA scientists have discovered that the Earth?s crust contains enough hydrogen to end the world?s energy problems.

Professor Friedemann Freund, of the Ames Research Center in California, says the hydrogen is produced when water molecules break down inside molten rock. His team has evidence that there may be over 85 gallons of hydrogen trapped in each cubic foot of some rocks. The daily energy needs of England could be supplied by the hydrogen trapped in just a cubic mile of rock. However, extracting the hydrogen would be extremely difficult.
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