The discovery of thermal anomalies detected on the exterior of the Great Pyramid of Giza last November indicated to researchers that there may be a series of hidden chambers and passageways there, undiscovered by modern Egyptology. In an attempt to verify the presence of these potential chambers, the researchers turned to other imaging methods, including using a technique developed by researchers at Nagoya University in Japan that used deep-penetrating cosmic rays, where evidence of hidden chambers were found in the Bent Pyramid in Dahshour last December.
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A recent thermographic survey of the Giza Pyramids has uncovered a number of strange anomalies, including the possible presence of a previously-unknown passageway in the Great Pyramid itself.

Using Forward-looking infrared cameras, a research team with Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities scanned the pyramids during sunrise, as the sun heats their structures, and also during sunset, as the megaliths cool. This allowed the team to see temperature changes in the structure of the pyramids, which would indicate the presence of passageways, internal air flows, and differences in building materials.
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