Crop circle master Freddy Silva knows a great deal about earth mysteries and sacred spaces. Here, he explains to us why it is that there is  a ‘special’ feeling in these spaces. How does earth energy come into these places, and how does it connect across hundreds and thousands of miles? These spaces are far more valuable to those who understand them and can use their energies, so listen up as Freddy Silva explains to us just how to empower ourselves to make life-changing use of these sites.
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Freddy Silva has been researching crop formations for over thirty years, and has deep understanding of them. Earlier on Dreamland we had Andrew Collins, who feels that the formations are manmade, but not necessarily hoaxes, as he thinks that some of them are made by unknown means by people with special powers. Michael Glickman was with us two weeks ago, and he feels that virtually all of the formations are anomalous in origin.
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Freddy Silva is one of the legends of sacred sciences research, and here he describes the amazing similarity between structure of crop formations and ancient sacred buildings. “Crop formations are sermons in wheat, as cathedrals are sermons in stone.”

In this wonder-rich interview, Freddy describes just what makes a sacred site sacred, and tells us how to gain the power of understanding that is so essential to spiritual growth.

Freddy and William compare notes about the power of the formations, what it is like to walk in them, and how the energy of the formations work. As Freddy says, “walking into a crop circle is like meeting a sacred person.”
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