(And we’re not talking politics here). We all know what we shouldn’t eat, but how to we find out what kind of diet is best for us? Take a DNA test and see! And once you know the answer, figure out the RIGHT WAY to perambulate through the grocery store (hint: avoid the middle). And a little booze occasionally doesn’t hurt either.
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Is there a way to solve this problem? – It’s one of those conundrums that lurks in the shadows. We already send lots of money, and sometimes even surplus food, to starving people in Third World countries. Maybe we SHOULD eat less, but how would that help them? But government officials have the answer to that: They think that excessive consumption in the First World drives up food prices worldwide, by reducing the overall supply.
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And eat your eggs – Can you TASTE your words? When different sensatory experiences blend together, it’s called “synesthesia.” Only about 1% of the population does this, but some researchers think we ALL do it at times. A chef who writes menus for his restaurant has learned that lower-pitched sounds are associated by most people with larger, more rounded shapes, so he wants to use descriptive words that lend themselves to being pronounced in a lower tone of voice.
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The verdict is still out – A controversy if brewing that reminds us of the arguments about genetically-modified foods: The Food and Drug Administration’s new (Aug. 22nd) regulation that will allow irradiation pasteurization to be used on fresh spinach and iceberg lettuce to kill illness-causing bacteria.

Food safety expert Dennis Olson, who has researched food irradiation for more than a decade, is convinced that irradiation could have prevented some of the illnesses and three deaths that occurred during spinach and lettuce outbreaks in 2006.
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