Farming will be different in the future due to global warming?food will be grown in different places and in different ways. And the foods we eat may not be as good for us as they once were.

When carbon dioxide levels rise in the air, this causes a decrease in the nutritional value of many crops. Researcher Max Taub tested this by increasing levels of CO2 gas in the atmosphere where basic crops like barley, rice, wheat, soybeans and potatoes were planted, and found that their protein decreased between 10 and 14%. Soybeans were the least affected, with a decrease in protein of less than 2%.
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Growing food entails the use of fertilizer and irrigation systems and results in land clearing. These “side effects” of agriculture can lead to “tipping points” which include desertification, salinization, water degradation, and changes in climate due to altered water flow. The UN reports that 50 million people could be driven from their homes within the next 10 years by encroaching deserts, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia.
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Global warming will eventually change the areas whereagriculture thrives, as well as the kinds of crops that aregrown. In big countries, the change will happen gradually,once farmers and the government accept the idea that weatherchanges are here to stay. But a small country like Cuba hashad to make drastic changes already.

In Cuba, tropical storms have been alternating with droughtand this has caused farmers to switch to heartier crops.They’re growing varieties of plants that have resistance todrought and they also need crops that can resist the highwinds of tropical storms, since recent storms have destroyedstanding crops.
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