Many people think we need to transform our politics here in the US. If you want to know what political side someone you’re talking to is REALLY on, look into their eyes. People normally glance in the direction that another person is looking because they’re curious to find out what caught that person’s attention. A new study shows that liberals respond much more strongly to these cues than conservatives do.
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There are some amazing discoveries being made. For instance, you’ll soon be able to control many appliances with a wave of your hand. What if you could control the music coming through your earphones by moving your eyes?

Not only WAVE your hand: tapping your arm or hand with a finger could control your TV (and other appliances) as well. In BBC News, Mark Ward quotes “Skinput” inventor Chris Harrison as saying, “The human body is the ultimate input device. In the future your hand could be your iPhone and your handset could be watch-sized on your wrist.”
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Not true BUT if you want your kid not to need them, here’s how – If you assume that everyone will need glasses after a certain age, it turns out that’s not true. Spending pending two to three hours a day outdoors can markedly lower a child’s risk of becoming nearsighted. And playing video games IMPROVES your kid’s vision!

Ophthalmologist Terri Young says, “Myopia is the leading eye disability in the world: a significant global public health concern.” About one-third of US adults suffer from it, and the number of individuals with myopia is estimated to grow from 1.6 billion worldwide today to 2.5 billion by the year 2020.
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