Major new earthquakes in New Zealand make us wonder: Are more on the way–and if so, where will they strike? Scientists are warning that the northwest coast of the US could be devastated by a huge movement of undersea plates known as a "megathrust" earthquake, despite the fact that this fault line has been dormant for 300 years. "Megathrusts" are the world’s largest earthquakes, which happen in a "subduction zone"–a region where one of the earth’s tectonic plates is underneath another.
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As Whitley Strieber has been predicting for months, an extremely violent spring has followed the extremely cold winter of 2010-2011. But why and, above all, what can we expect in the future? Beginning with his book Nature’s End in 1985, Whitley has never been wrong about our changing climate. Now that things are reaching a crisis point, he can offer clear-headed ideas about what is happening and what to expect, and is essentially unique in the world in his ability to do this. Here, he provides subscribers with a clear idea of the mechanisms that have been triggered in nature, and what this will mean for us over the next two or three years.
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It certainly seems as if we’ve had a lot of earthquakes lately–some of them more dangerous than others. The devastating 2004 Indonesian tsunami, with its death toll of as many as 250,000 people, was caused by the first 9.0 earthquake since 1967. After that came a group of smaller but still destructive quakes in Haiti, Chile, and New Zealand, and then another big one: the 9.0 quake in Japan. Seismologists want to know whether the number of large earthquakes is on the rise (and maybe they’re already HERE: Hundreds of earthquakes have been detected in an area of Nevada recently.).
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As Whitley Strieber has been predicting for months, an extremely violent spring has followed the extremely cold winter of 2010-2011. But why and, above all, what can we expect in the future? Beginning with his book Nature’s End in 1985, Whitley has never been wrong about our changing climate. Now that things are reaching a crisis point, he can offer clear-headed ideas about what is happening and what to expect, and is essentially unique in the world in his ability to do more