There have been mysterious deaths on two British flights from Miami to England, on two consecutive days. reports that A 19-year-old British woman died Monday while flying on a Virgin Atlantic plane from Miami to Heathrow Airport. The day before, two passengers on a British Airways flight from Miami to Heathrow died. One of them may have had viral meningitis.

On Monday, the Virgin Atlantic passenger died shortly before landing. The crew tried to revive her and a doctor came forward to help, but the woman was pronounced dead on arrival. The cause of death is unknown.
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Humans have always migrated whenever and whenever we could. When early humans left Africa, they developed special genes that allowed them to survive the colder climates of Europe, Asia and North America, and these genes may be the cause of today’s health problems, like obesity and aging diseases. The good news: science may have finally found a cure for Alzheimer’s.
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The way you react to stress influences are much you’ll resist or succumb to disease, including HIV, and shy people are more susceptible to infection than outgoing people.UCLA’s Steve Cole says, “Since ancient Greece, physicians have noticed that persons with a ‘melancholic temperament’ are more vulnerable to viral infections.”

“During the AIDS epidemic, researchers found that introverted people got sick and died sooner than extroverted people,” says Bruce Naliboff. “Our study pinpoints the biological mechanism that connects personality and disease.”
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People who get sick on the weekend or while on vacation may be have a new medical condition. Researchers in the Netherlands think a significant proportion of the population is suffering from this. They’ve found that 3% of people get sick with a variety of different complaints, such as fatigue, muscular pains and nausea, as soon as they stop working and try to relax. Cold and flu-like symptoms are especially common during holidays.
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