Don’t die early – We may not be able to live forever, but there’s no reason we need to die young. Many US children face a terrible burden of stressors that can harm the development of their brains and nervous systems. These stressors can lead to health problems and diseases throughout their lives, ultimately causing some to die earlier than they would otherwise.

Sometimes people think you’re dead when you’re not: After a car crash in 1983, Rom Houbens seemed to be in a coma, but he was actually paralyzed. He knew about everything going on around him but couldn’t communicate. Over 20 years later, Neuroscientists have discovered that his brain is still functioning normally.
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Without becoming machines or mole rats? In times like these, it’s something to think about. Many contactees have written that they saw alien beings putting on and taking off bodies, with stacks of these bodies folded in drawers and stacked on shelves. Until we can do something similar, we remain victims of our mortal bodies (Or do we?
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Will humans eventually live forever? Scientists have grown immortal skin cells in a petri dish?maybe they can someday make us immortal too?but would we want to be? This possibility raises the question of whether this would cause us to spend our lives cowering in our homes, afraid of having a fatal accident.

And it’s not just long lives that we want?we want long HEALTHY lives. Biologists can’t yet promise us immortality, but they think we can live around 20 years longer than people used to.
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In Whitley?s latestJournal, he talksabout the Schiavo case, and says, “In the past few years,twice had to make similar decisions. In both cases, thevictims had living wills, but, believe me, when you arealone with the question of whether or not to pull the plug,there is always an element of doubt, and that is anagonizing place to be?It is possible for a human being to beentirely alone with an impossible more