We can get back to REAL SCIENCE again – Matthew 15:31 says, “The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing.” In those days it was miracles. Today it is stem cells!

Now that President Obama has OK’d stem cell research again, scientists may be able to create a stem cell that can restore hearing to deaf people, which is especially important now that he’s also bringing so many soldiers home. Stem cells may also help CURE the biggest cause of blindness in the world.
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Deafness is a complex subject?some deaf people insist that it is not a disease that needs to be cured. But since many of our soldiers are coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan deaf, this news couldn’t have come at a better time. Did you know that your cell phone may be affecting your hearing? And do we know what dinosaurs heard?

Researchers have discovered a way to transfer genes, which they hope will restore hearing, into diseased tissue of the human inner ear. This important step brings scientists closer to curing genetic or acquired hearing loss.
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We recently brought you the surprising news that airbags can cause deafness. But most people go deaf from a virus, an infection or loud noise. One place you hear a lot of loud noise is on the battlefield, which is why many of our soldiers are coming back from the Iraq war with hearing loss. Now there may be a pill they can take AHEAD OF TIME to prevent this!
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Some researchers think that sign language actually leads to deafness. And due to the new science of cochlear implants, which are now implanted in young children, sign language may be on the way out among the deaf. But some deaf people insist that sign language is what defines them as a unique culture.

In New Scientist magazine, Rachel Nowak quotes researcher Harlan Lane as saying, “Deaf people argue that they use a different language, and with it comes a different culture, but there is certainly nothing wrong with them that needs fixing with a surgeon’s scalpel. We should listen.”
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