A biotech company that is proposing to clone woolly mammoths for reintroduction into the wild has recently received a 60 million dollar boost to the project’s funding, a cash injection that the company says will enable them to produce their first mammoth in just four years, to walk the Earth for theread more

In the past, a group called Cloneaid said it had clonedhuman beings, but they never proved it. Most scientists saythat, because of the way our cells divide, humans can’t becloned. Now a medical researcher claims he’s created clonesfrom dead people.

Shaoni Bhattacharya writes in New Scientist that researcherPanayiotis Zavos, of the Kentucky Center for ReproductiveMedicine, fused the cells of dead people with empty cow eggs.
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Milk from cloned cows and meat from cloned cattle and pigs could show up on grocery shelves as early as next year. According to a recent report from the National Academy of Sciences, cloning is becoming a routine part of U.S. agricultural production and livestock breeders are already raising clones on farms.
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