Speeding Up AND Slowing Down – The world works in mysterious ways: While Arctic sea ice has been diminishing in recent decades, ice in the Antarctic has been increasing slightly. Something strange is going on out there.

Researcher Jiping Liu says, “We wanted to understand this apparent paradox so that we can better understand what might happen to the Antarctic sea ice in the coming century with increased greenhouse warming.”
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Maybe they should all just GO HOME – That climate variability in one region can have an effect on more distant areas is known in the climate research literature, the challenge being to locate these far-connections and understand their projections. The Sahel region of Africa suffered drought over more than 20 years, from the 1970s to the mid-1990s, which caused deep environmental and social crises, such as hunger, civilian desertion, ethnic conflicts, and more. In 2007 the UN published a report stating that the situation in Darfur was intensified by the ongoing drought in the Sahel region and its surroundings.
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A group of scientists, venture capitalists and conservative think tanks is talking about solving the climate change problem by injecting sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere to counter climate change. Is it safe to put such a big project into the hands of Big Business? We can’t forget what happened the last time we did this.

This kind of geoengineering is attractive because it’s much easier (and cheaper) than cutting CO2 emissions, as well as being more appealing to voters, who will no longer be urged to make lifestyle changes). Russia, with its history of defacto dictatorship, has already begun testing sulfur dioxide injections by spraying them from a helicopter.
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