If he (or she) acts like an ape, it’s because he’s at the top of the pecking order (and if you want to keep your job, you’ll "groom" him).

When a subordinate chimpanzee grooms a dominant one, it often does so for a long time and doesn’t wait to be "asked." When it in turn requests to be groomed, it receives only a perfunctory grooming, after having to ask a second time.
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There’s a big controversy over whether chimps and other primates can really be taught to “talk,” using sign language and key pads?or if they are only copying their keepers in order to please them and get treats. Now a new research team claims that a chimp who has grown up with humans has developed the ability to talk. Kanzi, an adult pygmy chimp who lives at Georgia State University in Atlanta, can communicate by pointing at symbols, but he also makes noises while interacting with humans. Researcher Joel Taglialatela says, “We haven’t taught him this?he’s doing it on his own.”
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