The British Medical Association released a report Tuesdaywarning that without proper defenses the world will beincreasingly susceptible to designer bio-engineered weaponsincluding polio viruses, anthrax, and smallpox. According tothe report, biological weapons targeted toward specificethnic groups might even be the future of biological warfare.

Given the increasing skill with which scientist are able todissect human DNA, it may soon be possible to design weaponswhich destroy genetic variations found only in specificethnic groups.

?If we wait too long it will be virtually impossible todefend ourselves (against biological weapons),? saidVivienne Nathanson, the BMA Head of Science & Ethics.
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Children who attend day care or nursery school for at leastone year before going to kindergarten are 36% less likely todevelop a cancer known as Hodgkin’s lymphoma as youngadults. This may be because they develop stronger immunesystems from being exposed to other children early in life.Children from wealthy families are more likely to get thedisease because they have less interaction with otherchildren.
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If you want your child’s lungs and brain to develop in theright way, your home must be quiet, peaceful?and not tooclean.
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Spanking can cause children to grow up to beaggressive and abusive adults, according to psychologistElizabeth Thompson Gershoff of the National Center forChildren in Poverty at Columbia University, who analyzed 88different studies on spanking.

Spanking works – it’s usually followed by immediate obedience.But it’s also linked with aggression, antisocial behaviorand abuse of children and spouses in adulthood. “There isgeneral consensus that corporal punishment is effective ingetting children to comply immediately, while at the sametime there is caution from child abuse researchers thatcorporal punishment, by its nature, can escalate intophysical maltreatment,” Gershoff says.
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