A new study shows that the business leaders behind our nations’ most unsettling corporate scandals have most likely cheated on tests and term papers in college as well.

Researcher Paul Piff says, "Our studies suggest that more positive attitudes toward greed and the pursuit of self-interest among upper-class individuals, in part, drive their tendencies toward increased unethical behavior."
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Here’s a secret not everybody knows: Creative people are more likely to cheat than less creative people, probably because they CAN. Their creativity increases their ability to rationalize their actions.

Psychologist Francesca Gino says, "Greater creativity helps individuals solve difficult tasks across many domains, but creative sparks may lead individuals to take unethical routes when searching for solutions to problems and tasks." Gino conducted a series of experiments to test her thesis that more creative people would cheat under circumstances where they could justify their bad behavior.
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Researchers have found that when choosing a partner, women believe the lower the man’s voice, the more likely he’s going to cheat. Men think the opposite: that a woman with a higher voice is more likely to be unfaithful. Participants in a recent study were asked to listen to two versions of recorded clips from a male voice and a female voice, which were electronically manipulated to be both higher and lower in pitch. They were then asked which one, from each pair, was more likely to cheat sexually on their romantic partner.
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