Steve Aspin is a successful businessman with a very strange family history. His grandmother, in particular, believed that there was a family connection to the fairy-folk of northern England where they lived. As Steve grew up, he had some strange experiences which were attributed to their visi tations. Later, though,read more

Whitley’s explosive new book Them is now available on Kindle and in paperback. It will be published in hardcover and as an audiobook read by Whitley as soon as possible. Them is not about his personal experiences, but rather offers completely new insight into close encounter, both civilian and more

Rey Hernandez is one of the greats of the UFO world, and this is his first visit to Dreamland since 2018! Here, he talks about his incredible background, how he got pulled into the close encounter experience and why he has been working so hard at it ever since. Reyread more

In this fantastic show, we explore such topics as whether or not we are cycling back and forth between this universe and another, and is THIS the world of the dead? But there’s much, much more: what is the truth about hybrids, are the visitors the dead or us fromread more