The Chinese embassy in Kazakhstan is warning of an outbreak of what they are calling an “unknown pneumonia” that is deadlier than COVID-19, following a spike in cases of pneumonia in the landlocked central Asian country. Kazakh authorities are denying that this is due to a new disease, saying that theread more

 In the race to provide effective treatments for patients stricken with COVID-19, hydroxychloroquine—an already available, albeit now controversial, drug—is considered to be amongst the front-running candidates in the fight against the coronavirus that’s behind the pandemic. But despite promising in vitro study results (and a premature endorsement by President Donaldread more

By now, we’re all familiar with the common refrain: wash your hands, and frequently. 20 seconds of washing one’s hands with a good lather of soap, along with a healthy dose of social-distancing, has been touted as one of the most important tools in combating the spread of COVID-19, aread more