There’s a reason why politicians sometimes find it hard to talk. Rick Perry’s failure to remember the name of one of the federal agencies he would abolish if elected president, namely the Department of Energy, was most likely an example of a very common phenomenon called "Tip of the Tongue" phenomenon or TOT."

Psychologist Gail Mauner says, "TOT occurs when we know the meaning of the word or words we want to retrieve but are unable to access their sounds. The majority of naturally occurring TOT states are linked to proper names and the likelihood of finding oneself in such a state increases as we get older. "
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Thanksgiving dinner is the time when many of us say the wrong thing to friends and relatives we haven’t seen for a long time. Are you easily embarrassed? People who AREN’T (certain politicians and actors, for instance) have a smaller region in one part of the brain than the rest of us.
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