Take a breathalyzer test to find out why you’re fat–Take a spit test to find out why you’re violent.

A new study indicates that a simple saliva test could be an effective tool in predicting violent behavior such as bullying, since there’s a link between salivary concentrations of certain hormones and aggression. And new evidence demonstrates a link between video games and youth violence and delinquency.
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Does this explain the kind of thing that went on at Columbine?

A recent study suggests that bullying by peers changes the structure surrounding a gene involved in regulating mood, making victims more vulnerable to mental health problems as they age. Researcher Isabelle Ouellet-Morin says, "Many people think that our genes are immutable; however this study suggests that environment, even the social environment, can affect their functioning. This is particularly the case for victimization experiences in childhood, which change not only our stress response but also the functioning of genes involved in mood regulation."
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If there’s one change we all want in the future, it’s no more “Columbine”-type mass murders in schools. We all hate bullies and scientists have discovered that they are more likely to attack fat kids, who already have plenty of problems: About half of mothers of children who are obese at age 5 report some form of intimate partner violence (in other words, their MOMS are bullied too!)
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