The way to win a war? Control your soldiers’ MINDS. It sounds like a movie plot (NOTE: This special interview is just for subscribers), but it’s TRUE: The Pentagon has starting a six-year, $49 million effort to deploy extreme neuroscience and biotechnology to fight wars. And the infamous "drones" that we use in Iraq and Afghanistan may soon be put to use in civilian life. Is this the end of privacy?
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Neuroscientists are learning new tricks from professional magicians, as they struggle to understand how the brain works. Magicians take advantage of how our nervous systems, including our eyes and sense of touch, are wired to perceive "impossible" illusions (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). In Live, Wynne Parry quotes researcher Susana Martinez-Conde as saying, "Scientists have only studied cognitive illusions for a few decades. Magicians have studied them for hundreds, if not thousands, of years."
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Every day our brains are flooded by stimulation–sounds, sights and smells. (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). At the same time, we are constantly engaged in an inner dialogue, ruminating about the past, musing about the future. Somehow the brain filters all this input instantly, selecting some things for long- or short-term storage, discarding others and focusing in on what’s most important at any given instant. Amazingly enough, humans regulate the activity of INDIVIDUAL NEURONS to intentionally alter the outcome of all this stimulation.
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Alberto VilloldoWe cannot become enlightened if we don’t have the brain to sustain it. Alberto Villoldo explains how to revise your nutrition to enable your brain to sustain enlightenment, and then how to use the energies all around us to return to the ancient human journey toward the new human. How do you grow a second body?

How do you become a new human? Find out this week on Revelations!

Alberto Villoldo’s website is:

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