Who needs to keep a straight face and not reveal their emotions? Poker players! Despite sometimes unintended consequences, a doctor is betting that poker players are going to be the next big market for Botox.

In the Huffington Post, David Moye quotes Dr. Jack Berdy as saying, "Some people might get a card they like or don’t like and raise their eyebrows. If that’s the common reaction, we can put Botox in certain areas to minimize them."

Berdy is marketing a combination of Botox and facial fillers for players called "Pokertox."
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People get Botox injections in order to remove facial wrinkles (but it doesn’t always work), and there’s a joke going around that the actresses who use it are no longer able to express their emotions, since their faces are too frozen. Botox works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles that cause wrinkles, but now it’s been discovered that it may make them unable to FEEL emotions too.
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People who have botox injections to get rid of their wrinkles may develop new ones as a result of the treatment. Dr. David Becker says people unconsciously recreate facial expressions in the areas where their facial muscles have been paralyzed. This causes nearby muscles to take over the movements, which can create new wrinkles. One example is the popular use of botox injections between the eyebrows. Becker says, “In this case, following treatment, muscles in the upper nose, middle eyebrow and eyelid may try to recreate the expression of a scowl. Repetitions of this action cause new wrinkles.”

Maybe we should concentrate on creating more spiritual bodies for ourselves.

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