By Whitley Strieber Copyright (c) 1999, Whitley Strieber

Next week, the book I have written with Art Bell, The Coming Global Superstorm, will be published, and I am about to suffer from the same press torments that have dogged me since I published Communion. I am routinely punished for writing that book, either by false and unfair reviews, or by being ignored. Despite the fact that Communion is a book of questions, it is taken to be a claim of alien contact, and I am viewed as a proponent of something akin to a false religious belief. I am hurt as much as possible short of legal limits in order to limit my impact and, in the best of all possible worlds, destroy me.
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So many hard things have happened in the past couple of weeks, I hardly know where to begin. Terence McKenna lies gravely ill in a Honolulu hospital, Dick Hoagland is recovering from a massive heart attack, Roger Leir had a heart attack a few days ago, and the anguish that Art Bell and his family are undergoing has finally been made public.

In addition, Art has filed some new lawsuits that I hope he wins, against people who appear to have crossed the defamation line.

It is deeply, profoundly wrong to defame others. It hurts terribly, and you could hear the anguish of it in Art’s voice when he talked about it on Thursday night.
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There is no credible evidence that anything like a landing of UFOs is going to take place on December 7, 1998, or indeed at any other time. A lot of excitement is presently being generated about a landing occurring in Sedona, AZ, on that date. Some UFO investigators are claiming that this is the beginning of the battle for earth– and, in the process, no doubt terrifying some people. In view of the Heaven’s Gate disaster, this is obviously most irresponsible.
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Last night I did Art Bell’s show, and it was really a joy to be back after the turmoil of the past month. Art was his usual self– a master at getting the maximum amount of interest and information out of the program. We talked about an event that took place in southern California on September 10, when two of the witnesses on the show saw something very strange come in from the west and– in the case of one witness– disappear behind a hill where it apparently crashed.
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