Although we’re familiar with Earth’s major extinction events being caused by calamities such as large asteroid strikes or severe disruptions to the planet’s climate, researchers have uncovered evidence that the recently-discovered mass extinction of large marine mammals toward the end of the Pliocene 2.6 million years ago may have been caused by one or more nearby supernovae that bathed the Earth in deadly radiation.
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Based on a threat delivered by the Ayatollah Ali Khameni, the Supreme Religious Leader of Iran last Friday, Iran appears to be planning to start a nuclear holocaust in order to usher in the end of the world and the return of the Mahdi. This madness is supported by the Jewish and Christian right wings and messianic fundamentalists of many different faiths. Just as Islamic extremists believe that a catastrophic war will bring about the return of their messiah, Christian and Jewish extremists believe that it will bring about the return and/or coming of theirs.

All of these people are trying to set off a nuclear war by exploiting the ongoing tensions between Israel and Islam.
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