Scientists have created a synthetic compound that disables the toxin that makes anthrax so dangerous. Also, a second research team has discovered a gene that protects some mice against anthrax. Together, these discoveries could lead to an antidote to anthrax.

When someone inhales spores of anthrax, the bacteria unleashes 3 proteins that combine to form a poison that causes a sudden fall in blood pressure and internal bleeding, which can lead to coma and death.
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Leroy Richmond, age 57, who works in the District of Columbia post office, has come down with inhaled anthrax and is seriously ill. Another worker has been diagnosed with the inhaled form of the disease.

Richmond works in the main processing center in the area where workers handle the mail that is delivered to Senator Daschle?s office and he presumably came in contact with the letter sent to the senator that contained anthrax.

Two other postal workers have died, and it is now believed that they have perished from inhaling anthrax.

This indicates that letters containing anthrax could spread the inhalation form of the disease fairly easily. Other workers who could have handled the Daschle letter are being identified and tested.
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The hunt for the source of the weapons-grade anthrax that has been used in recent attacks on the media and the government has led investigators down many false roads.

The focus has been on Iraq, but according to the world?s leading germ warfare experts, suspicion points more directly at Russia?s military industrial complex. ?The obvious one is Russia, it?s a league ahead of Iraq,? says David Kelly, senior adviser to UN weapons inspectors for Iraq.

The Russian scientists who helped to run the Soviet Union?s secret germ warfare program are now unemployed and could be supplying weapons-grade anthrax to Islamic terrorists. It?s known that Osama bin Laden?s al-Qa?ida network has tried to buy ingredients for biological weapons from Russia in recent years.
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A CBS News employee has tested positive for anthrax infection, meaning that all 3 major television networks have been targeted by terrorists. The FBI has posted a $1 million reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the people involved in mailing the deadly bacteria.

The latest person to become infected is a woman who works in Dan Rather?s office. She tested positive for skin, or cutaneous, anthrax and is receiving antibiotics. ?She feels fine,? says CBS News President Andy Heyward.
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