Gobekli Tepe isn’t just a mysterious complex of monoliths, it’s also the place where civilization began. Using ancient legends, Andrew Collins takes us back 12,000 years and describes legends that tell us what humanity experienced during this terrible period, when a fantastic catastrophe overtook our planet, raining down fire and causing the glaciers of the period to melt, resulting in the floods that are remembered to this day in legends that date back to that time.

Never before will you have been taken back to that period in the words of the people who experienced the disaster. You will discover the reason that Gobekli Tepe was built, and also exactly what happened to cause this overwhelming catastrophe, and what it was like to live through it.

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The mysterious stone complex of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey is one of the great mysteries of archaeology. This week, Andrew Collins reports on his findings at the site and discoveries nearby that suggest even more incredible ruins remain to be uncovered.

Andrew Collins has traveled to Gobekli Tepe many times, and has developed a revolutionary theory about the meaning of the 12,000 year old complex. Here, he explains how it was built 12,000 years ago as a reaction to a horrific global cataclysm, and how it works as a gateway and map of the sky-world reached via a star in the constellation of Cygnus.
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Freddy Silva has been researching crop formations for over thirty years, and has deep understanding of them. Earlier on Dreamland we had Andrew Collins, who feels that the formations are manmade, but not necessarily hoaxes, as he thinks that some of them are made by unknown means by people with special powers. Michael Glickman was with us two weeks ago, and he feels that virtually all of the formations are anomalous in origin.
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Andrew Collins and Whitley Strieber spent time together in crop circle country last summer, and we begin this year’s three-part exploration of this mysterious phenomenon by talking with Andrew about the circles and their relationship to ancient structures such as Avebury and Stonehenge. Whitley Strieber tells about his expeirence doing a walking meditation around the Avebury stone circle. But then, when Andrew describes his views about modern crop circles, a real surprise comes!
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