Linda Moulton Howe has been waiting almost her entire career to be able to tell this incredible story.

A firsthand witness from Ellsberg Air Force Base finally speaks out, revealing that long-heard rumors are true: UFOs used to regularly shut down missile bases, as often as six or seven times a year from the 1960s. He also recounts the chilling and extraordinary story of a security guard who was abducted, then on his reappearance quickly transferred from the base and, within a year, discharged from the Air Force.
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Lee Speigel’s involvement with UFOs began with a personal encounter that is also among the most extensively witnessed UFO cases in history. From there it led to his organizing the UN’s only UFO conference, and now to his interviews with Annie Jacobsen about her controversial new Area 51 book and her theory that the Roswell Incident was a hoax perpetrated by Joseph Stalin.
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On May 11, 1998, I was scheduled by my publisher to give a short speech and autograph books in the Pentagon Bookstore. When I arrived, I was disappointed to find that the public could not get in. At the same time, this also meant that my audience would consist exclusively of Pentagon employees, which was quite interesting to me. I wondered what sort of people would show up to hear me.
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