Researchers have recently performed the first genetic modification of a human embryo in the U.S., paving the way for the potential to alter humans using the CRISPR gene-editing technique. Previous genetic modification experiments were carried out by researchers in China, but this experiment, conducted at the Oregon Health and Science University, is suspected to be the first successful Stateside endeavor.
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 June 2017 was the third-hottest month of June on record, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), putting 2017 on track to be the second hottest year on record. On the surface, this sounds like good news, but this means that 2017 will still be hotter than the years before 2014-2016’s record-breaking El Niño, an event that pushed 2016 into being the current temperature record holder.
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A congressional committee has proposed that a new branch of the military be formed, called the United States Space Corps. As proposed in the National Defense Authorization Act for 2018, this would be the first new branch added since the formation of the United States Air Force in 1947. The USSC would be subordinate to the Department of the Air Force, much in the way the United States Marine Corps is part of the Department of the Navy.
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