I have never been a believer in the idea that December 21, 2012 will be a day of catastrophic change. First the most often-mentioned source of the destruction, this supposed planet Nibiru, doesn’t appear to be there. It is claimed to be on an elliptical orbit, but there’s a problem with that. Specifically, elliptical orbits violate Kepler’s Law. In other words, such an orbit can’t exist. There is apparently a large planet lurking at the extreme limits of the solar system, but it is no threat and will never be a threat. Another claim has been that a massive solar outburst will take place. But the sun is quiet now, and, in fact, the present solar max won’t reach its climax until next summer.read more

The Mayans living there say it isn’t real–now Mexico’s archaeology institute is checking out that December 21st doomsday prediction. They basically deny it, but they HAVE admitted that a SECOND reference to that date has been found on a carved stone fragment at a ruined Mayan site.

Earlier, most experts knew of only one surviving reference to the date in Mayan glyphs, on a stone tablet from the Tortuguero site in the Gulf coast state of Tabasco. The second apparent reference to the date has been found at the nearby Comalcalco ruins.

Both inscriptions–the Tortuguero tablet and the Comalcalco brick–were probably carved about 1,300 years ago.
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Laura Magdalene Eisenhower is a Cosmic Mythologist, Global Alchemist and Clairvoyant Healer and is the great-grandaughter of Dwight David Eisenhower. She is on a profound mission to complete his legacy and reveal our true origins with extraordinary intuitive gifts which are deeply connected with the ‘Magdalene’ and ‘Gaia-Sophia’ energies of love and wisdom. These two forces connect many dots that are coming into our awareness, now more than ever, as our solar system aligns with the Galactic plane in 2011-2012.
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