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William Henry and John Lash: The Archons
March 25, 2006This week, William Henry interviews one of the great masters, John Lash, about the Gnostic figures known as the Archons and their influence in our lives. Then Linda continues her interview with Navy Yeoman Thomas Colman Sheppard, who saw photographs... continued
Gregg Braden: Spiritual Power
March 18, 2006St. Francis said "there are beautiful forces within us," and now Gregg Braden shows us how to harness our own spiritual power using modern science and ancient sacred knowledge lost for 1,700 years! Then Linda Howe interviews a Navy ensign... continued
Bill Sweet: Prayer Exploration
March 11, 2006We begin a two week series on prayer - but we're not approaching it in a conventional way at all. Expect to be fascinated and surprised by this unusual exploration of one of the most common and least understood of... continued
Scott Stevens from Weather Wars
March 4, 2006First, weatherman Scott Stevens talks about the possibility that scalar weapons are being used to destabilize the Pacific Northwest, then Linda Howe conducts one of her most shocking interviews ever, documenting the disappearance of a baby just before birth during... continued
Whitley Strieber and Lynne Kitei
February 25, 2006Last week, Whitley Strieber interviewed Dr. Lynne Kitei, who first brought the Phoenix Lights to public attention. It was intended to be a follow-up interview for our subscribers, but it turned into an incredibly important discussion of the fact that... continued
William Henry and Robert Feather: Dead Sea Scrolls
February 18, 2006Robert Feather has made a discovery, and it's an unforgettable one. He has found out why the Dead Sea Scrolls were hidden away by scholars for so long. William Henry explores the secret in careful detail, with explosive, unforgettable results.... continued
Whitley Strieber: 2006 Italian UFO Flap
February 11, 2006Earlier this week, there was a six hour UFO event over Milan, the longest continuous UFO event over a major city in history. Whitley Strieber will interview Italian UFO investigator Paola Harris about this potentially important event, as well as... continued
Peter Levenda: Secret Forces II
February 4, 2006Peter Levenda is back discussing the second volume of his magesterial series, Sinister Forces. In "A Warm Gun" he brings the story from the Kennedy years up to modern times, revealing for the first time the way America's elite are... continued
Stephan A. Schwartz: Secret Vaults of Time
January 28, 2006Whitley Strieber goes on an unforgettable journey into the world of psychic archaeology with Stephan A. Schwartz, the author of the Secret Vaults of Time. They discuss excavations that have been based on discovery of ruins by psychic means, and... continued
William Henry and Philip Coppens
January 21, 2006William Henry goes on an enthralling journey into previously misunderstood ancient Egyptian soul knowledge with Philip Coppens, who maintains that the Egyptians thought of the southern pole star Canopus as a gateway to other worlds and dimensions. Then Linda Howe... continued