In 2011 a group of anomalous objects was detected on a targeting system at a firebase in Afghanistan. A missile strike was called in and the missile flight impacted the targets, which were not affected in any way. It was explained that the targets were actually training devices, but this cannot have been the case as they all took direct hits and were not destroyed.

The timestamp on the video indicates that it was recorded on May, 3, 2011. The video is 08:33 minutes long and shows camera angles before and after the missile strike

In the parts of the clip where normal vision is used, the four objects appear to be glowing orbs in the nighttime sky.

Several Reddit users commented that the objects appeared at times to be dripping something, similar to how molten metal would drip. This discharge has been observed in numerous UFO cases.

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1 Comment

  1. The reaction to a missile strike is incredible. I’ve never seen anything like this.

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