The Elohim, Sons of God, & the Nephilim
The genesis account of the Old Testament is an amazing document. It is a condensed history that is full of encrypted messages, which have been only partially understood down through the generations. That is not surprising since civilization has gone through thousands of years of development from the time the text was first transcribed and interpreted by scholars and theologians for the masses. Unfortunately, the text has never been revised through the lens of modern knowledge and technology.
Our first case in point, is chapter one. In the opening verses 1-25 we read that God created the heavens and then the earth and all the animals. Here we have to be very careful and realize that the English version has been translated from the Greek, which in turn had been translated from the original Hebrew. The Hebrew word used in these verses was Yaweh (Jehovah). I must clarify a crucial point here. There are many words for God in Hebrew, i.e., El Shedai, Adonai, Elohim, etc., while we only have two in English, god and lord.
Jehovah means the One God. Now that certainly fits in with our conception of the singular Creator of the Universe as described in verses 1-25. However, in the next verse when the text focuses down to the creation of humankind on Earth, the word for god is changed to the plural form, Elohim. This is why we find the mystifying change to the plural and God said Let us make man in our image Why this sudden, curious shift in voices Are we to believe that the Creator has an image, indeed, a human image Who was the Creator conferring with in this verse and why is it so different than the previous 25 passages
Of course the traditional conception is that the One God, created the Universe including life on Earth and man. However, traditionalists have never satisfactorily explained the biology of genesis and why the infinite, unseen Creator would have the form of a primate on one planet in an infinite creation. We have more clues that something is very amiss with the traditional interpretation. Genesis Two is thought to be an elucidation of the events in the first chapter. However, that cannot be because the sequence of creation is completely different.
Man was the last thing created after the earth, plants and animals in Genesis 1. But in chapter two, Adam is created before the plants and animals. If we carefully read the second chapter we can see that it appears as though the world of the first creation had suffered through a cataclysm. Then a new Earth and modern Homo sapiens were created. This time, not simultaneously as is described in verse 26-27 of Genesis one, Eve is somehow cloned from Adams genetic material.
We have other strong evidence suggesting that chapters two and three describe the creation of modern humans but chapter one describes a proto-race. In Genesis 1:29, Behold I give you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed to you it shall be food. Clearly, if we compare this to what science has established as the way of life of our Stone Age ancestors, we get a perfect match.
I submit that chapter 1 describes the creation of proto- humans, hunter-gatherers, probably Neanderthals who were only suited to live as Stone Age tribes. Now, if we jump to chapter 2 and compare Adam and Eve we find that they are given clothes and they possess a conscience, self-awareness and primitive intellectual tools. The naming of the animals occurs in Genesis 2, not in the first chapter. However, it is the culmination of the events in the Garden of Eden that make it clear that Genesis 1 was not describing Adam and Eve.
In Genesis 3 we find that they are given an entirely different covenant when they are sent from the garden. We read, In the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat bread. So if chapters two and three are supposed to be a detailed elucidation of chapter one, why do they differ so completely The covenants should be the same. Yet the fact that Adam and Eve are a new prototype suited to agriculture and civilization jibes with what we know is the course of human history from the Stone Age. In other words, the first three chapters summarize the evolution of human beings from the Stone Age to the agricultural revolution.
In these chapters we find the term Elohim used repeatedly to describe the gods conferring among themselves to determine what course of action they should take. They create, (biogenetically engineer) humans in their image. They decide to test their creations by forbidding them to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This means that humans were ready to take the next step upward from the animal kingdom. They disobeyed and knew guilt, shame and remorse. In short, Adam and Eve became truly human, their predecessors, described only briefly in Genesis one, were only partially so.
Now, how can we ascertain that the Elohim were an advanced race of human-like beings First they created us in their image and likeness. They must have been physical beings to do that. Next, in Genesis 6 we lean that when the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Who were the sons of God The Hebrew term is Bnai Elohim; it means sons of the gods or fallen ones. Yes, the situation begins to clear up. Obviously, for these beings to marry human women, they must have had physical bodies.
So, now we can trace the lineage back from the Elohim creating humans to their offspring mating with their creations. This union produced a hybrid race called the Nephilim. These are all very important keys to unlocking the code contained in Genesis and they make it very clear that genetics is what the Old Testament is all about. Could early Jews or Christians have understood all of this No, we have only recently unlocked the secrets of DNA and the human genome. This is why the traditional interpretations are fuzzy and they rely heavily on supernatural explanations. At this point let us recall that Adam and Eve procreated in Genesis 4, producing Cain and Abel. The former killed the latter. A third brother Seth was also born. This means that Cain and Seth multiplied and produced several genetic bloodlines. These were combined with the Nephilim. We are told that these mutants were giants but the term can also mean they had great prowess or that they were superhuman compared to the unmixed, human lines of Seth and Cain. The bible also makes it clear that the Nephilim were ungodly and that evil quickly spread all over the earth in the days before the flood.
What was the Flood about It was aimed at ridding the earth of the mutants, the descendants of the fallen angels, and of Cains offspring. Genesis 6 Describes the situation, the earth was filled with violence. If we step back from the Five Books of Moses (Genesis) and ask, what is the core of the story, the real history that the Old Testament has to tell
It is quite simple: An advanced race, the Elohim, planted the seeds of life on Earth. They intervened at strategic points to help uplift human beings to the level of civilization. As the bible relates, a third of these gods or angels, an advanced race, rebelled and descended to Earth where they interbred with human females. This union produced a mutant hybrid that was as lawless as they were powerful. If we then analyze the account in Genesis from Abraham to Joshua we find that it is the tale of how God selected the patriarch to eliminate the remnants of the Nephilim from Canaan.
The various tribes and nations that inhabited the land that God gave to Abraham and his descendants were the remnants of the Nephilim. Unfortunately, while the Flood wiped out the Cainites and the offspring of the initial breeding between the sons of God and daughters of men, it recurred after the Flood to a lesser extent. This genetic, population control program was encapsulated in the story of David versus Goliath. But the repeated references to the Anakim, the Rephaim and other tribes in Canaan, all refer to the descendants of the Nephilim prior to the Jews defeating them. This makes the Old and New Testament fixation on genealogies and the purity of bloodlines comprehensible. To fulfill the prophecies in the Old Testament, Christ had to be in the lineage that connected back in a direct line to David and Abraham. In the gospel according to Matthew we find the apostle makes that clear in the opening verses. During the early period of Christianity, the Nephilim were identified as fallen angels. It was understood, correctly, that the union produced an ungodly race. If we think it trough objectively this makes sense in the context of the cleansing programs, the Flood and the invasion of Canaan, the by the wandering Israelites.
It also explains how Satan gained a foothold on Earth; he interjected and mixed his DNA into human genetics. Bnai Elohim also means earth born, that would indicate that the formerly angelic host had descended into the human gene pool and we have had problems ever since.
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