People all over the world are questioning whether or not the US should be in Iraq. Here in the US, we are questioning the extent to which the government is spying on ordinary citizens by monitoring our phone calls, library withdrawals and email transmissions. Now it turns out they?re even using NASA satellites to spy on us.

Katherine Shrader reports in that the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, run by a retired general with 42 years of intelligence experience, can take detailed satellite images of any activity that is taking place anywhere on earth. General James Clapper readily admits to tracking Katrina damage in New Orleans, but it’s obvious that there’s a lot more than can be tracked by satellite as well?including what where we go and what we do when we get there.

In a recent poll, 65% of Americans said that they think the National Security Agency’s telephone data base is an acceptable means of providing for national security, as long as it is being used only for the purpose stated by the President, which is to catch terrorists before they can act. Executive Order 12333, passed in 1981, is supposed to restrict the collection of intelligence on American citizens and companies.

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