Greg Avery, the MUFON State Director for Louisiana, has become one of the world?s most dogged orb hunters, and he has the pictures to prove it. You can see a sample of them below. Click on any image to make it larger.

But what are orbs? Why doesn?t Greg think they?re just out of focus raindrops or dust particles? And what DOES he think they are? Tune into Dreamland Saturday night from 6 to 10 pm Pacific time, or listen to the archives starting Saturday night, right after the show.

UPDATE: On Saturday, January 5, Avery was out shooting film in anticipation of his appearance on Dreamland tonight. He got an amazing image while passing a local high school. This is one of the most unusual and convincing orb photos we have ever seen. The object appears to be a ring, orange in color, with a stream of material behind it. Beside it are two smaller objects that seem to be moving with it. Nothing was visible on the camera, as is usually the case when these photographs are being made.

Alan Meyer, another orb investigator, has produced a fascinating video showing orbs in many haunted locations, including an orb following him up the stairs of a mausoleum! It?s available only on our website store,click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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