On January 26, a pair of UFOs was seen in Hawaii by several people. Witness Peter Hollingworth, who lives in Honolulu, describes his sighting as “these two little fireballs with a stream behind it.” He says they “looked kind of like a shooting star but it just kept going. They changed directions a few times, at first it was coming in then it turned, then it went out then it came back in again.”

Hollingsworth was surfing with his 12-year-old son, when they both saw two lights circling in the sky. WLTX-TV quotes University of Hawaii astronomer Gareth Wynn-Williams as saying, “This in a sense is an unidentified flying object. It’s something in the sky that’s moving that we haven’t identified.” A UFO was also seen over Hawaii 3 years ago.

How do we know so much about UFOs? We know the world’s best researchers, but we get MOST of our information from you (and lots of it ends up?heavily disguised?in Whitley?s fiction)!

To see a video a UFO over Hawaii, click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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