Climatologists say that recent sea surface temperatures are a close match to conditions prior to the winter of 1995-6 which had incredibly harsh weather. Scientists now know that our brains actually shrink in the winter. Since this will be a cold one, be prepared.
In the US, the winter of ?95-96 produced powerful wind and ice storms, a huge flood in February, closed schools and millions of dollars in storm damage.
The brains of one species of mouse actually shrink during the winter, causing the mice to have more difficulty with some types of learning. Researches think our brains work the same way.
During the short days of winter, white-footed mice have impaired spatial memory, the mental map that helps them remember important places in their environment. The changes in mouse brains may help the them conserve energy to survive during the cold winter season when food is scarce and conditions are harsh, even though it makes it harder for them to forage for food.
According to neuroscientist Randy Nelson, this research help scientists gain insight into seasonal brain dysfunctions in humans such as seasonal affective disorder or SAD, where people become depressed due to shorter days with less sunlight. There are special light bulbs and lamps that help this disorder.
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