Ahmed Farag Ali at Benha University and coauthor Saurya Das at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, have shown in a paper published in Physics Letters B that the Big Bang may not have happened and the universe may actually be infinite. It the suggestions in this paper prove to be true, then mankind’s fundamental understanding of the universe is going to change profoundly. It has been believed for a long time that the universe began 13.8 billion years ago with a ‘singularity’, a tiny, ultra dense mass that exploded with tremendous force, expanding into the universe we see around us today. 

The new model replaces the singularity with the concept that the universe is filled with a ‘quantum fluid’ that maintains it in a steady state, has done forever, and will continue to do so forever. It had no beginning and will have no end, in this model. However, other scientists have discovered suggestions that our universe may not be alone, but rather one of a number of others, maybe even an infinity of them. In addition, the new model leaves unanswered the question of why the universe appears to be evolving, and whether or not it has always done so.

Many modern religious intellectuals have understood the big bang as the moment in which God initiated creation. But if this new model is correct, such a moment never happened. In addition, other scientists have recently theorized that consciousness may be penetrated into the brain, not created by it, and that it may be an eternal energy. If so, then its true nature may be almost impossible to understand base on our current ideas about reality, and even our own nature.

For more information on the new model, click here.
For information about multiple universes, click here.
To read about extra-physical consciousness, click here.

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