On Dreamland, we have presented many great shows about the mysterious Knights Templar, who were murdered 700 years ago by the Catholic Church. (Subscribers can still listen to this show). The Vatican has now officially admitted that this was done for “political and financial reasons,” not because they were heretics.
The Vatican will soon publish what they are calling the Cinon parchment, which was found in their secret archives six years ago after it had been misfiled for hundreds of years. It is a record of the heresy hearings of the Templars before Pope Clement V in the 14th Century and it exonerates the knights entirely.
BBC News reports that researcher Barbara Frale discovered the ancient parchment by mistake, while looking for something else.
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Who ELSE has researched the secrets of the Templars? Who else but Dreamland co-host William Henry! He reveals all in one of his most popular books: Blue Apples.
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