In a world where water is running short, we need to find an affordable way to remove the salt from seawater. The UN reports that about 780 million people around the world do not have access to clean drinking water.

A defense contractor may have found a way to solve this problem without building expensive desalinization plants.

Officials and engineers at Lockheed Martin have invented a filter made of an incredibly thin sheet of graphene, a substance similar to the lead in pencils, with holes about a nanometer in size (a nanometer is a billionth of a meter) that allow water to pass through but block molecules of salt.

On the Reuters website, David Alexander quotes Lockheed engineer John Stetson as saying, "It’s 500 times thinner than the best filter on the market today and a thousand times stronger. The energy that’s required and the pressure that’s required to filter salt is approximately 100 times less."

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