Lockheed’s Skunk Works has a Patent for a Portable Fusion Reactor Design

April 26, 2018
Defense contractor Lockheed Martin was recently awarded a patent for a novel design of compact nuclear fusion reactor, a device presumably small enough to be housed in a standard shipping container. According to earlier promotional material released by the company,... continued

Quarterly Climate Report: Global Temperatures Aren’t Breaking Records, but they’re Still Disturbingly Above Normal

April 25, 2018
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, global average surface temperatures for the first three months of 2018 have eased off of their record-breaking streaks seen in recent years, with January and March each being only the fifth warmest... continued

Researchers Find New Evidence that the Early Solar System had More Planets

April 22, 2018
Researchers may have discovered direct evidence of a former sister planet that resided in our Solar System, but was obliterated during an unknown cataclysm that occurred billions of years ago. It is theorized that the Solar System may have had... continued

Researchers have Developed a Device that can Listen to your Inner Voice

April 19, 2018
A research team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a device that can listen to and transcribe a person's otherwise silent inner voice, to make that information available to record or transmit electronically--all without the user having to... continued

Searching for the Cosmic Gorilla: Are We Missing Signs of Extraterrestrial Life that Might Be Right Under our Noses?

April 17, 2018
"Life, as we know it." In recent years, some members of the scientific community have begun to realize that this oft-repeated phrase encapsulates a concept that appears to have been limiting modern efforts to recognize signs of extraterrestrial life, both... continued

Modern Global Warming is Weakening Ocean Currents During a Long-Term Natural Slowdown

April 15, 2018
Two new studies on the health of ocean currents in the North Atlantic have found that a natural decrease in the flow of these currents that began in the mid-nineteenth century has been exacerbated by modern-day climate change, resulting in... continued

Art Bell Has Died

April 14, 2018
A message from Whitley Strieber: At 10:30 on the morning of Friday, April 13, Art Bell died. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, and there is at this time no known cause of death. The family had hoped to delay... continued

2018 Hurricane Season Expected to be More Active than Usual

April 13, 2018
Colorado State University's Department of Atmospheric Science has released their extended forecast for the 2018 hurricane season in the North Atlantic, and while they're not calling for the same magnitude of devastating, record-breaking storms from the 2017 season, they sill... continued

UPDATE: UFO Spotted Over AZ by Airline Pilots Was Not a Balloon

April 10, 2018
One of the pilots involved in the sighting of a UFO made by the flight crews of two commercial aircraft over Arizona has come forward to offer more details regarding what he witnessed during their February encounter, eliminating the possibility... continued

13,000-Year-Old West Coast Footprints are the Oldest in North America

April 7, 2018
An analysis of 29 prehistoric footprints found on the west coast of Canada have revealed that they are 13,000 years old, making them the oldest known footprints in North America. While older archeological remains have been uncovered elsewhere on the... continued