There are covert reports coming from intelligence agencies that the U.S. either knows where Osama bin-Laden is hiding or has already captured him. A new report says he’s surrounded by bodyguards who have been ordered to kill him before he’s apprehended. He has also strapped bombs to his body, so he can commit suicide rather than be captured.

Bill Gertz reports in that the new information about bin-Laden comes from Khalid bin Ghazaz, a close associate of his who was recently arrested. However, getting rid of Osama won’t mean ridding the world of terrorism, since anti-U.S. terrorist organizations will still be going strong. Yoram East writes in G2Bulletin that according to U.S. Ambassador to Venezuela Charles Shapiro, almost every terrorist group now has a branch of their organization in Latin America. It’s clear they hope to smuggle terrorists and weapons across the border into the U.S.

Homeland Security has cracked down on the Islamist “charities,” which financed terrorism in the past. Members of the Saudi royal family, among others, gave large amounts of money to these organizations. In Latin America they raise money by giving loans to small investors. Despite the fact that it’s against Islamic law to charge interest, borrowers are asked to add a donation when they repay, and this money is used to finance terrorist activities.

Another method of raising money is to smuggle gold and jewels to terrorist countries. A Russian analyst says, “They don’t carry gold bullions but rather jewelry or coins.”

A customs official says, “Monitoring this flow of funding can be implemented only through amendments to laws and regulations, including forcing customs declarations for personal precious jewelry. Even then only a minor portion will be reported.”

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