Saudi Arabia, the world’s leading oil producer, has just built a huge solar power plant. Is the country going "green"–or are they running out of oil? They plan to use it to generate one third of their electricity needs by 2032.

Saudi Arabia and the other Arab monarchies of the Persian Gulf contain around one-fifth of the planet’s oil reserves. The Saudis plan to spend at least $109 billion over the next 20 years on a solar power, as the country moves toward a post-oil future.

The Solar Daily quotes solar expert Mark Robson as saying, "This could be the world’s next renewable energy center."

Here’s another reason to let the sun shine (but not too much!): While autism may have many causes, scientists think that one of these is a lack of sunshine.

That’s not a problem in Saudi Arabia, and it’s not a problem in Nashville, either, where we’re holding our extraordinary Nashville Symposium in May. To get your tickets, click here. The price includes breakfast Saturday and Sunday and lunch on Saturday.

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