More good reasons to meditate: New research suggests that yoga and meditation may change the way our genes behave in response to stress. It also helps your body build stem cells! Maybe meditation helps build our souls.

Researcher Herbert Benson says, “Now we’ve found how changing the activity of the mind can alter the way basic genetic instructions are implemented.”

Researcher Towia Libermann says, “This is the first comprehensive study of how the mind can affect gene expression, linking what has been looked on as a ‘soft’ science with the ‘hard’ science of genomics.”

Medical researcher Doris Taylor, who brought the heart of a dead animal back to life and might one day revolutionize human organ transplantation, talks about famous French philosopher Matthieu Ricard, who worked with the Dalai Lama, on the NPR show “Speaking of Faith” She says, “He and a number of his colleagues meditate, and as they meditate they measure differences in their brainwaves. What we found was a huge increase in the number of positive stem cells in blood. Largest increase I’ve ever seen after 15 minutes of meditation.”

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