Theologian David Ray Griffin is not satisfied with theofficial explanations for September 11, 2001. His two booksare the most powerful indictments of the government’s 911actions and explanations ever written. He has been featuredon C-SPAN recently, and is considered one of the leaders ofthe movement to investigate 911 more thoroughly. Forsubscribers, Anne Strieber reads from a private diary thatwas written during the period of Whitley’s close encountersin the mid-eighties, and rediscovered after being lost for19 years. Sherecently wrote about the treasures she?s discovered whilemoving on?now, justfor subscribers,she reveals the most unexpected of those discoveries.
On this Dreamland, David Ray Griffin goes deeper than heever hasbefore, led by Whitley’s searching and careful questions.This interview gets into more detail about what might havereally happened on 911, and why, than any other suchinterview ever has.
Was 911 the new Pearl Harbor?Author and muckrakerDavid RayGriffin warns us that we need to keep alert, lest we loseour freedoms! Not sure exactly what happened on that fatefulday? Takeanother look and see for yourself! PLUS, if you addGriffin’s 911 Commission Report to your order and input thecoupon code Grif1, you get an additional $3.00 off!
NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.
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