A senior Iraqi army general has said that their artillery units could hit targets deep inside Israel if they can bemoved to a site Israel’s border. Lieutenant-General Yassin Taha Mohammed said, “Our artillery forces are ready any timeto hit targets deep inside the Zionist entity whenever we are ordered to do so.”

President Saddam Hussein has asked Arab countries that border on Israel to let him use a piece of their land so he canmove his artillery close enough to attack.

If Iraq attacks Israel and draws another Arab country into the conflict by using its land as a base of operations, thesituation in the Middle East will change from an internal conflict to a wide-spread war, which will undoubtedly involveEurope and the United States.

Get the latest update on the situation from Israeli political commentator and UFO researcher Barry Chamish, who will beon Dreamland February 4.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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